Volunteering Faith
All Saint Church • Pasadena • Makes God's love tangible through spirituality, community, and peace and justice — and Jesus' central message of compassion and respect for all people. When the world is hungering for communities to reach across all divides, All Saints Church is a place where one can learn and practice how to express daily the deep truth of the interconnectivity of all people on the globe.
Bread for the World • Pasadena • Collective Christian voice urging our nation's decisions makers to end hunger at home and abroad. Moved by God's grace in Jesus Christ, advocating for a world without hunger.
Christ Child Society • Pasadena • Dedicated to service to children in need, for love of the Christ Child.
Church World Service • Los Angeles • Building a world where there is enough for all, affirming the power of individuals and communities to take ownership of their future, meeting them right where they are, helping them create solutions they can maintain and build on, including a refugee family starting a new life or someone rebuilding after disaster finds safety with dignity.
Deer Park Monastery • Escondido • Mindfulness practice center and monastic training center founded by the Vietnamese Buddhist monk, author, and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay).
Foster Care Project • Pasadena • Provides direct services for children and youth who have been removed from the care of their parents to the supervision of the state. Works on special projects designed to enhance the lives of foster, homeless, transitional and incarcerated children and youth.
Friends in Deed • Pasadena • Interfaith organization that provides supportive services to meet basic human needs, so homeless and at-risk neighbors can rebuild their lives.
Frontier Ventures • Pasadena • Apostolic missionary community that works to catalyze Kingdom breakthrough at the frontiers of God's global mission.
Harambee Minitries • Pasadena • Loving and empowering environment for students, staff, families and community members in Northwest Pasadena by educating, empowering, disciple and growing Christian leaders who will uplift and effect positive, sustainable change in their families, community and beyond.
Hoving Home • Pasadena • Residential spiritually-based home, organization serving women ages 18 and over who have been involved in drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and other life-controlling problems.
Jewish Family Service • Los Angeles • Extended family of compassionate social services that enriches the community and improves the lives of countless men, women and children of all religions, ethnicities and ages by counseling families, feding the hungry, sheltering the homeless and protecting the vulnerable.
Latin American Indigenous Ministries• Pasadena • Acts as a support structure to help organizations formed in Latin America by evangelical Indians meet their goals and thrive.
North Hollywood Interfaith • Studio City • Coalition of diverse religious institutions working together to address the problem of hunger in the community.
Pasadena Altadena Chapter of the Links • Altadena • Resourceful, professionally accomplished, and dedicated women who are active in the community, serving as role models, mentors, activists, and volunteers who work toward a chain of friendship, and also a chain of purposeful service in improving every aspect of their local community.
Philoptochos – Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church • Pasadena • Accredited international women's organization of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North America. It is designed for Orthodox women to promote humanitarian efforts in their communities and beyond.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul • Los Angeles • Catholic volunteer organization that serves the poor and homeless of any religion for free.
Stars • Pasadena • Faith-based nonprofit, Lake Avenue Community Foundation is unleashing the God-given potential of children, youth, and families in vulnerable communities, providing the tools necessary to thrive academically, emotionally, economically and spiritually.
Union Rescue Mission • Los Angeles • Committed to life-transforming ministry through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as demonstrated in these core values, assisting people with feelings of distress and despair.
Walter Hoving Home • Pasadena • Residential spiritually-based home. We are a non-profit organization serving women ages 18 and over who have been involved in drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and other life-controlling problems. The 6 or 12 month program is geared to rebuilding broken lives in an atmosphere of warmth, trust, support and love.
Wilshire Boulevard Temple • Los Angeles • Bringing people together to engage in meaningful work and experience the pride and warmth of the Jewish community.
Wow Jam • Pasadena • Created to meet the immediate needs of individuals in the communities around the world by providing meals, bike repairs, groceries, haircuts connections to community resources, resume preparation and more; the biggest focus is to bring the message of the Gospel in a tangible way to those who are so desperately searching for Christ's love and acceptance.
YWCA • Pasadena • Dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
YMCA • Sierra Madre • Puts Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
YMCA • South Pasadena • Puts Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for general information only. Caltech does not endorse or recommend any of the organizations listed.