2023 | Fall Term | Monday, Nov 13 - Friday, Nov 17
Celebrating international education and exchange, International Education Week (IEW) is an initiative of the U.S. Dept of State and the U.S. Dept of Education.
International Education Week – Kick-Off Event
Monday, Nov 13 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Center for Student Services Lobby | Appetizers Provided
Join the Caltech International Offices as we celebrate International Education Week (IEW) with hors d'oeuvres, an overview of international education mobility trends, and a presentation by undergraduate Andrew Zabelo on his short-term language study abroad experience at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland as an Amasa Bishop Study Abroad Fellowship awardee.
Common Threads of Communication
Tuesday, Nov 14 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Hameetman Multipurpose Room | Lunch Provided
Growing up in Germany, the United States, and South Korea and having worked in the Bahamas, Iraq, and Kuwait in addition to extensive world travel cemented a desire for a career where cross-cultural communications are used to grow relationships to create positive impact. Hear Caltech Assistant Director of Fellowship Advising & Study Abroad (FASA), Elizabeth Nugent's account of how her interest in STEM and her degrees in linguistics and international relations led her to serving eight years on active duty in the U.S. Air Force as a logistics officer around the world and how she applies those lessons to her work with students at Caltech.
The Cambridge Chronicles: Tales of Tea, Tutors, and Tunes
Wednesday, Nov 15 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Hameetman Multipurpose Room | Lunch Provided
Did you know the original inspiration for Caltech's undergraduate houses comes from the University of Cambridge's 31 colleges in the United Kingdom? Learn about the academic rigors while exploring the campus culture, including how much the average Cambridge student drinks (tea), how many of the tutors are like the Tudors, and how many tunes the tolling church bells can carry. Chronicled by Tanmay Gupta, a senior from Malaysia & India, who studied abroad at Cambridge last fall in a moment that felt like it was out of the movie Inception - studying abroad while he was already studying abroad here in the United States.
Mapping Corals: Reef Restoration and Citizen Science in French Polynesia
Thursday, Nov 16 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Hameetman Multipurpose Room | Lunch Provided
Coral reefs are vital for marine biodiversity, coastal protection, and supporting human livelihoods globally. Caltech undergraduate student Rupa Kurinchi-Vendhan conducted research in collaboration with the reef restoration non-profit Coral Gardeners in Mo'orea French Polynesia, mapping the shallow-water reefs and participating in community service on the island. Come and see her amazing photos while learning about her international research and volunteerism. Rupa was the recipient of a Caltech Student-Faculty Programs SURF and a Caltech Y ACT award.
The Caltech Heritage Project – Institutional + International History Memorialized
Friday, Nov 17 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Hameetman Multipurpose Room | Lunch Provided
Historian of Science and International Affairs, Dr. David Zierler, will describe the meaning and goals of institutional history, and how his focus on the humanity behind scientific research led to the creation of the Caltech Heritage Project. Caltech is a gathering point of scientists from all over the world emphasizing the international character of science in the 21st century. Indeed, Caltech's greatness rests on its ability to attract the best minds the world over, and in turn, train the best to continue in their science albeit in the United States or abroad. The Caltech Heritage Project documents this international history of science.
Want to present at IEW? Submit an IEW Speaker Proposal.
Visit the IEW Archives.