Volunteering - Human Rights
American Women for International Understanding. Los Angeles . Promotes woman-to-woman interaction and understanding Worldwide through meaningful visits, grants, educational support, the celebration and support of the International Women of Courage, and participation of local Chapters which act locally and affect globally.
Amnesty International • Pasadena • Finds the facts, exposes what's happening, and rallies people together to force governments and others to respect everyone's human rights.
Black Lives Matter • Los Angeles • International activist movement, originating in the African-American community those campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people.
Days of Dialogue • Institute for NonViolence • Los Angeles • Ensures constructive civic engagement around the difficult issue of police violence and the future of policing.
Heifer International • Giving an animal gift at the holidays is like giving someone a small business, providing wool, milk, eggs and more.
International Rescue Committee • Glendale • Responds to some of the world's worst crises, delivering aid that saves lives while paving the way for long-term recovery. Serves people whose lives have been upended by war, conflict and natural disasters, resettle refugeed and helping them to succeed and thrive.
Institute for NonViolence • Los Angeles • Educate about nonviolence, inspire and support efforts that promote harmony in communities. Works with nonprofit organizations, for-profits, communities, K-12 schools, UCLA and USC, individuals, and government agencies to provide peer mediation and dispute resolution training for people of all ages.
Light House Peace Initiative • Los Angeles • Dedicated to raising the quality of life for the most vulnerable Syrians living in the Lebanon, Greece and Turkey by providing them with basic needs and uplifting them through individualized and communal care. Primary programs include medical, food, and educational aid as well as community support.
Los Angeles Human Relations Commission • Los Angeles • Dedicated to promoting positive race and human relations in an increasingly complex and multicultural county by developing programs that proactively address racism, homophobia, religious prejudice, linguistic bias, anti-immigrant sentiment, and other divisive attitudes that can lead to inter-cultural tension, hate crimes and related violence.National Lawyers Guild • Culver City • The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) was founded in 1937 as the country's first racially integrated bar association of progressive lawyers and jurists who believed that they had a major role to play in the reconstruction of legal values to emphasize human rights over property rights.
Set Beautiful Free • Sex trafficking is an affront against basic human dignity. It occurs in nearly every country, and its networks are formidable and difficult to investigate.
Vital Voices •
Western Justice Center • Pasadena • Dedicated to building a more civil, peaceful society where differences are valued by designing and implementing creative programs that change the way people think about and respond to differences and conflict, raising awareness, building skills and increasing the possibility of just communities and schools.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for general information only. Caltech does not endorse or recommend any of the organizations listed.