Scam Alert - Avoiding Scams - Hang Up the Phone
Do not give personal information by phone or email. This includes your date of birth, social security number, driver's license number, or password.
If you receive a suspicious phone call, HANG UP. A U.S. government agency, including the FBI, IRS, DHS, and USCIS, will NEVER call you and demand money. They may know your immigration status, banking, or other personal information but don't let them scare you - HANG UP THE PHONE - even if they threaten an arrest.
Phishing emails can contain links that appear to be legitimate but are actually fake sites. Do not click these links. If you receive an email that you believe is suspicious in nature, DO NOT click any links in the email, and do not "unsubscribe" or acknowledge the email in any way.
- Caltech: Contact IMSS immediately for help: call the Help Desk at x3500, open a Help Desk ticket online, or email Information Security directly at
- JPL: Send any suspicious email as an attachment to
- Avoiding Tax Scams
- Immigration-related common scams, fraud and misconduct
- Phishing and Imposter Scams
- Scams targeting Chinese community where scammers pose as Chinese government authorities.