While we strive to provide you with information and tips to help you network, we can neither find a position for you nor do we guarantee that you will find a job. We are not a recruiting agency.
We understand your situation. We know what it is like to follow your spouse to Caltech because your spouse has received an offer to join the Institute. In order to accompany your spouse to the United States, you usually have about six months to say goodbye to your family, friends, and neighbors, get married in order to be eligible for dependent nonimmigrant status and to quit your job. It's very exciting but also very intimidating. There are days you may feel homesick and overwhelmed by anxiety because of the language barrier, the lack of a social environment and a feeling of emptiness.
You are a professional. Based on a recent study of the international spouses conducted at Caltech, it appears that most spouses used to work before moving to the United States and similarly, most spouses are interested in pursuing their own careers in the United States. The vast majority of you have college degrees, either Bachelors, Masters, or Ph.Ds. with extensive work experience. Now that you are in Pasadena and have settled in, you may be starting to think about finding employment. The time is now.
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